We didn’t start the bubble…

Over at Ruhi’s blog, on her enthusiastic post about Tumblr, my conversation with Ruhi started with and centred on finding out that elusive detail: what is the business model?

After much toing and froing, it emerges that “nothing much” is the answer.

On a related note, a friend of mine sent me a link which may explain the business model not just of Tumblr but also of many others of its ilk. You can watch it here.

PS: I have had new respect for Billy Joel’s and Elton John’s musical talents, since I began taking piano lessons some years ago. So, sorry, Billy!

I didn’t write the spoof song, it was already online, and I think it’s very fine.
I didn’t write the spoof song, but I blogged about it, because I don’t doubt it.


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